- In our factory, engine products and transmission parts produced by applying 750-2500 tons of force on aluminum injection machines.
- In the aluminum injection department, we continue production with various product groups and with our ever-increasing product portfolio, using EN AC 46000/46100 material and different materials in line with the wishes of our customers.
- By producing goods in accordance with the needs and specifications of manufacturers of light and heavy commercial vehicles, we place a high priority on the satisfaction of our clients.
  Main data               Â
Product groupEngine products
Usage area  Light & heavy commercial vehicles
Press machine range  1250-1350Â
Weight / [kg]  2-5
Material  EN AC 46000/46100
      Main data                          Â
Product group  Transmissions coversÂ
Usage area  Heavy commercial vehicles
Press machine range  1350-2500Â
Weight / [kg]  7-15
Material  EN AC 46000/46100
  Main data                          Â
Product group  Transmissions covers
Usage area  Heavy commercial vehicles
Press machine range  1350-2500
Weight / [kg]  7-15
Material  EN AC 46000/46100
 Main data                          Â
Product groupTruck steps & bracketsÂ
Usage area Heavy trucksÂ
Press machine range1250-1350
Weight / [kg]2-5
MaterialEN AC 46000/46100